Intelligent design and IQ interaction between networks that would be on par to and interact with neuro-linguistic programming of human beings require a new approach to software design and extensive application of mathematical models versus nearly exclusive reliance on heuristics and language-driven algorithms that software designers routinely utilize today.
In smart decision processing, the answers to the queries cannot simply be contained in the question as in existing algorithmic formulas today, but utilize complex mathematical modeling genetic algorithms, mathematics on strings and other high-end modelling such as in this smart MCPS (massive computational processing structure) system of decision processing:

Today's search engines come up with answers in the same way that a word processor finds them, as words and as meaningless characters and display them indiscriminately.
None of the current search engines have a database for accurately recognizing and identifying information on the Web, hence when one searches for a jaguar, for example, the search engines cannot distinguish whether it is a cat, a car, or a member of a football team.
Intelligent processing is they key to transition from Information Age to Post-Industrial society based on knowledge wherein lies enormous distiction between knowledge and information, on the free flow of knowledge globally, and on sharing, organizing and distribution of theoretical knowledege vis-a-vis nearly exclusive dependence on behavior that is primarily engaged in and solely focused on utilization and exploitation of energy, dissemination of information and producing goods from raw materials.
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